Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Interim Crit.

Well, I hoped I'd feel like I really knew what I was doing when I came out of the crit. But I still feel like I'm just re-searching into what subject areas I want to work in. I think as an all-round subject I will use the Title: Mechanical Objects.
For now I am just going to pick one area of interest and start producing work around that subject, starting with collage and mixed media. Christian mentioned he'd posted a collage workshop up on the VLE that he did with the first years which Im going to take a look at.

From the crit, I understand that I really need to get/understand my under-lying concepts to what I am trying to communicate and produce. Is it...'Challenging peoples ideas of existing objects and their form'. ...through the idea of parts?
I need to think about ways of using collage and mixed media to show parts and contradicting

With Nick and Christian I discussed using and basing one of my ideas on pattern. From this we spoke about how much I could do with pattern as my subject. Its a very wide and broad subject, with lots of interesting outcomes and still concentrates on this idea of challenging peoples ideas and being contradictive and possibly controversial.
Such as the works of Marcus Harvey who did the Myra Hindley painting piece but made up of childrens handprints, this was an interesting approach to the idea of pattern and how to challenge the ideas of society.

Piecing things/a collection of 'parts' together and breaking stuff down, is also my other main interest within this brief, although my subject of 'Mechanical objects' needs to be re-thinked and given more direction.
Breaking down human obsessions is another way of describing my underlying concepts. The idea of Frankenstein was brought up, and I'm going to have look at the book called '..' that was talked about.

We also spoke about an artist, who pieces together found bit of tea-cups, reconstructing them with an attitude of, 'if it fits it fits, no matter how it looks'. I've had trouble trying to find the artist on the internet though, which is a shame, as teacups and tea sets are a fascination I have.

One last thing we touched on, was the idea of myself not loving the idea of using butterflies within my work, and how moths may be better for me to concentrate on. Having done a quick bit of re-search into them I feel that this may be a more appropriate idea for me. Then I looked into it a little further and think I have decided to base the resin case on pattern still but about 'wings' of moths?

Possibly making them into resin jewellery?

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