Monday, 25 January 2010


After speaking to Christian and coming to the decision that my book will be partly about showing layout and grids, as well as objects - put together in parts, I've decided to look into the idea of layout and famous layouts.

One of them that I looked at in more detail, is the Penguin Grid for the design of the covers of penguin books. The design, seen below, is by Romek Marber and is what every penguin cover is designed too, almost like design 'rules'.

The Penguin paper backs were created in 1935 and their jackets have become a constantly evolving part of Britians culture and design history. With stunning illustrations and filled with detail on individual titles and designers.
One interesting quote in a text I read about the newest 'Penguin by Design' book, was that it demonstrates just how difficult it is not to judge a book by it's cover.
Below is a link to the creative review site that I looked at to get some information...

Looking into the idea of different layout has helped me to get ideas for my book, and for stuff to go behind my images. It was also nice to see how books are split up into parts literally, with grids.

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