On second thought and taking a step back from everything I've been doing, I've suddenly started to panic about the exhibition being put forward and my original idea of the museum case to be hung on the wall, with my resin jewelery within that I wanted to create. I've been so excited about the idea that I have decided to continue with it and go ahead with putting it together - even If I don't get it finished in time for the exhibition.
The other idea for wall pieces that I had was to create this 3D visage I've held in my mind for ages. I've tried it in my collage as well, but this won't be recognised as much through out my book. Taking my idea of 'parts', and putting together a kind of 'pop out' image, the idea of having it as pop out and 3D, communicates my idea of 'parts' really well. The image will be put together using layers of cut outs I have drawn - almost like one of those cards you receive that you pull out to find an image.
The idea of both the 3d pieces, is that the concept for my project is, taking things apart and putting the back together again - therefore im seperating/taking apart a clock and putting it back together again through pop out and building up layers.
I also need to think about my postcard more, with the pressure of time I originally stupidly thought oh I'll just scan one of my collage images and print it onto the card. But I have thought about it further and want to create it in the same way I will my wall piece. To make it a little different, I think I want to take one of my collage images and cut it out of the postcard? Or layer some postcards up. However I'm still not decided. I'm hoping this will come together and make more sense nearing the exhibition, which sounds scary and pressure with the time I will have, but with the scale of a postcard and that restriction I believe whatever I decide to do I should be able to complete before the exhibition deadline.
From my outburst I've have begun to plan my time and also written a list of things I need to do...
- Vernon Street, to create put together a 'book box', which will be my museum case.
- Research and ask in college about using Resin, booking time?
- Booking a Laser cutting session for next week to get my 3D wall pieces done.
- Create the illustrator files for the Laser cutter:
1. Insect parts out of fabric for resin
2. Clock parts for 3D wall pieces
3. Jumble of different object parts for another wall piece
- Buy good enough card for 3D layers.
- Get fabrics and materials I want to use.
- Plan postcard more - get the actual scale requirements.
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