Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Don't Panic Poster.

Don't Panic is a site I have registered with and visit weekly, lots of friends enter the poster competitions and I also pick up the free Don't Panic Pack where ever and whenever I can. It's been something I've wanted to enter for a while and so this brief is a good chance for me to fully concentrate on it as part of this project.


How it works (please read carefully!)

Step 1.
Create a poster based on one of the themes. Your interpretation of the theme can be rendered using graphic design, illustration, photography, type, mixed media or any medium you can think of which we can print.

The winning poster will be printed A2 size (594x420mm), either portrait or landscape, at 300dpi. Please don't submit any designs that we can't print in an A2 format!

For the purposes of voting and previewing on this website, poster entries uploaded should be:
  • File Format: JPG or PNG
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • Max Filesize: 2mb
  • Your poster entry will be auto-resized proportionately by us to fit our website. If your poster is chosen as the winner, you will be contacted again to send over a high-res version of it.

Step 2.
Upload your poster to face the public vote.

Step 3.
The top 10 entries with the most votes will be submitted to our judges who will choose their overall winner. Our judges will also select one 'wildcard' from the remaining entries to make up the shortlist. The winning poster will be printed and distributed in the Don't Panic Pack!

THEME: 'Vogue'.


Judged by Nicole Jacek, part of karrisonwilker inc, who was recently awarded as one of 20 Print's New Visual Artists 2009 - designs rising stars under age 30.

The first thing that came to mind when I looked at this brief was my wallpapers that I did on pattern and how this was all based on clothing from over periods of history. This goes well with vogue as it's based as a fashion and lifestyle magazine. Published in 18 different countries, the magazine not only addresses fashion and lifestyle but design also.
With the deadline in four days as well, I didn't know what else I could pull together in that sort of time frame. This wallpaper design fitted perfectly but I was unsure that it would be fair to submit it for my first competition brief as its work I did for the project before last.
I spoke to Nick about it and he said to go for it. I believe that adapting this image slightly on photoshop and entering it as my first competition brief will get me started and I will learn from it a lot. The thought of entering a piece of work that I have already done also takes a lot of pressure off and means that as a first go it's a time to learn and work out how competition briefs work. I feel that it will teach me a lot as my first brief.
I can then look forward to doing a piece for the 2nd poster brief which should be given a couple of days after the voting stops for this VOGUE poster.

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