Monday, 22 February 2010

Article. Working as a Freelancer.

I feel as though the PPD2 module links really well with the Life Briefs module we've just been given. I guess for me, the confidence thing is a major part in both of them, although the send and receive project was also a great set up for my confidence.
One thing that comes to my mind with the work load that is now being apparent is, how do you keep yourself motivated and make it as a freelancer, because in a way this is how I will be working throughout this Live Project brief. It's something that I have been scared about doing also and so I thought I would search the internet a little bit and look into advice given around the world about, being a successful freelancer, it was also nice as it coincided with Business Enterprise a bit and I could understand a lot of it from doing that module.
Below are some websites that I've looked at - they're all a bit business'y (if thats even a word), and a little to definition based, but all the same, they give you the idea of why it's a good thing and also what the bad things about it are. It also states that if you're successful in freelancing, then they tend to earn more money per hour than permanent employees - there's a constant turn over of people, working enviroments, etc.

- - Going freelance and the Pros and cons.
- - Questions you should ask yourslef when considering going freelance.
- - Being a freelancer in general and Partners.

I've also been looking at inspirational blogs a lot recently for inspiration and to keep me motivated:

A blog started by a guy called Reuben Miler, who started a blog featuring mainly design and culture. He wanted something that would be built by a group of design conscious people in a gallery like format, and so created this site.

Below are some links to:

Sophie Henson.
This girl whos blog this is get lots of client briefs, and her illustration work is really cute and fun. I think the fact that she's doing lots client briefs, is quite inspiring and shows me what there is to get involved in or get work from.

Ivo Kircheis.
An illustrator, His sketchbooks of ideas and just doodles are really inspirationsal.

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