Sunday, 28 March 2010

Interim Crit. 2.

I had a bit of a flop with the last Don't Panic Poster, and was a big disappointment to Matt at this crit as I'd had so much on and so much to do for other deadlines, that I hadn't done much drawing, just re-search.
My main focus now is The 'Pocketful Illustration Magazine' submission - Deadline 15th April.
The title for the submission is 'I did It my way', with Matt I discussed my initial thoughts and what you would most likely associate with this saying:
- Things people do as a collective.
- Going against social norms.
- Art movements/Music
- Organic/Things having their own ways of existing.
- Who do people idolise? Who do I idolise?

Then relating these ideas for the title to my work, 'my life as a create process':
MY WAY = Pattern

From this, Matt told me to look at Walnut Wallpaper:
A wallpaper company providing us with 'the best new wallpaper designs, as well as interesting vintage offerings'. All the wallpapers are very modern and 'now' and thus are very good examples for me to go by. One featured artists who they just featured on the website was Aimee Wilder, a Graphic designer from Brooklyn, for her design of robot wallpaper...

Aimee Wilder...'Robots'

Another website I looked at was the 'Peep Show Collective'...
A multi-disciplinary collective focusing on illustration, animation and art direction, I focused on the Illustration section...A personal favourite was Andrew Rae.

The other Idea I had was to link the title to the idea of putting together Aspirational Images, and thought of the title as 'The Human Experience.' - Such as, trial and error, problem solving, knowing to much and needing these experiences.
Matt made me think about people such as Katherine Hamnett, who brought about this idea of slogan t-shirts:

Matt also told me about New Future Graphic:
They are a multi-disciplinary studio in London. Below is work they did for Coca-Cola...Their work is all for clients and all have messages and meaning to communicate, which is a good example for what I need to do.

Slogans I've thought about are:
- 'I'd rather be anything but ordinary'
- 'Be excepting'
- 'Wait in line till we all get happy'
- 'Slow down'
- 'Care: Don't care too much'
- 'Money and Happiness'
These are all slogans that I want to use within my work over the length of this project.

Ideas For Pattern:
Whilst thinking about pattern, I also thought about 'doing it my way' and going against norms, so through-out about the idea of how pattern is recieved today, really neat, clean and measured. My idea was to go against it and do lots of hand drawn pattern, which is all continuous line, so it wouldn't look very neat, but it would add personality to it.

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