'Art In Action' - Helping out Joanna Migdal and networking with lots and lots of artists that will be there, might be able to get some more work experience out of it!
Getting in touch with Su Blackwell, whos based in London.
Getting in touch with Rob ryan, doubt it will happen, but I can try :)
- I'm also going too carry on with work for Simon In On the Wall, and may have to make a special trip up here to give him work he's asked for...
- I want to start thinking about ways to promote myself, as little craftfairs and oppurtunities to sell my work keep coming up, I go to the event or someone else takes my work and I rush into thinking what to put on the pack of the print or how to present the print and myself.
I want to design:
Business cards a range of about 6, this makes them more special and individual and person for the person recieving it.
I also want to look into how I could mark my work, how do others do it.
I've had really good feedback about the flock and foils I did a few months back which I am hopefully re-producing for Simon at 'On The Wall', and so wonder if I could do my business cards in flock or foils? Would it be appropriate? With research I will find out :)
So over summer I want to start thinking about these and research how other artists and designers do it.