Sunday, 27 September 2009

Communication Technology 2.

"Explore and document your relationship with technology"...

For this brief i began thinking about what i struggled with last year, and what it was i needed to learn to futher myself as a designer.
Something i began to use last year was Illustrator, and the images i produced were pretty alright. So i'm rather keen on learning the insides and outs of Illustrator to further my work/images i've started to work on. This could then lead to printing as, i think for someone who designs, I need to fully understand how to screen print/print well, to get the best out of and present the images I produce at there best. This could then lead to me 

This brief also got me thinking about images and ideas i had gotten excited about recently, including photography i had just seen, in a magazine i bought called TANK. Inside features a group of photos taken by Gilad Sasporta and styling by Daul Kim, in which the Title is... Who's That Girl? When Glamour is all, gender is not on the agenda. The photography caught my eye as it almost looks 'old' and this had brought me to think about how photos 'were' taken years ago and the style they were taken, but also i don't even know if this is the photo in it's original state, if so i would love to learn how to get an image to look that way. Something else special about the photo is the concept, of the male being the female and the concept of the word 'glamour'.

These are initial thoughts and ideas... which i will now look into in more detail...

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Appologies For The Neglect...

... This summer has been pretty special though.
Although i havnt really done much of my own work, I've spent time helping friends with projects and being inspired by those closest to me... including my friend Boyce who has got his new clothing line - Inspired by Alice In Wonderland, soon to hit the internet :)
Its magical.. Take a peek...

>Also ive been getting into contact with possible people i could have some work experience with. An art director, web designer and a graphics company owned by my friends uncle. One other possibility which i'd like to pursue is going to a secondary school and experiencing teaching.<

Then there's THIS, that i came across... Its absolutely amazing... An advert by Mac and Hello Kitty inspired by Alice In Wonderland.