Iv’e always, (even as a 19 year old) had a love for dolls, Disney princess’ and Barbie. So I felt that basing my project on this could also give me the chance to express my negative opinions towards the doll culture and how they can create or be victimizing to young girls wanting to be as perfect as these dolls, just as the media and magazines do to young girls. It’s a topic which has always wound me up and I know that it annoys others too, but no one ever seems to say or do anything about it in the media.
For my final piece I plan to put together an animation which challenges whether Barbie is a good influence on young girls. If I manage my time okay then I I would like to design wrapping paper and a series of birthday cards celebrating Barbies’ 50th Birthday this year.
My animation will involve, taking/pulling the Barbie apart at the beginning, which symbolizes, or metaphorically says she’ not real but to develop into the ending which will say the way she influences young girls is real. This is seen through a human girl at the end in stop-motion (imitating Barbie). Through the guts leaving Barbie and feeding the girl it says that Barbie is feeding these young girls with the wrong body image and this sometimes leads to girls becoming anorexic and seriously ill. I want a shocking and quirky, but subtle ending.